Automobile accidents happen every day. The following are some likely causes or contributing factors.
Automobile accidents and Inclement weather: Rain is always a problem on the roadways as the road surfaces become slick (day or night). And in the winter when the temperatures drop and the rain becomes ice, sleet or snow, the roadways become far more treacherous. Beware of your environment when traveling, slow down and watch the other drivers.
Automobile accidents and Distracted driving: When operating a vehicle it is not the time to be using a cellular device. That text or phone call you receive can wait to be answered when you arrive at your destination or when you can safely pull over and can respond. It is far better to answer it later than have an accident and never be able to answer another one again.
Automobile accidents and Running red lights: One of the main reasons people run red lights is the mere fact the other driver is in a hurry and feels as if they do not have time to sit through a red light. If you are this person, then you need to start leaving for your intended destination earlier so you will not be rushed to arrive at a specific time. This is another situation wherein it is far better to sit and wait through a red light than try to run through it, cause an accident and never be able to reach another destination again.
Automobile accidents and Changing lanes: Changing lanes is not that difficult if you follow few basic rules as in using your blinker, glancing in your side mirrors and then quickly glancing over your shoulder to be certain you can change lanes safely. Hitting another vehicle while trying to change lanes can have devastating effects, especially if traveling at a high rate of speed while on the interstate. Take the time for a few simple precautions.
Automobile accidents and Following too closely: It is imperative that you keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. If that vehicle were to encounter a sudden emergency and have to brake quickly, you need to be ready to brake quickly also. Or you could simply not be paying attention and do not see them braking. If you have enough distance from that vehicle, you may be able to stop with hitting them.
Automobile accidents and Excessive speed: The posted speed limit signs on our roadways are there for a reason. You must always respect those signs. Driving too fast in situations does not give you ample time to stop, look and be aware of other drivers.
The holiday season is upon us and we wish for you all to have a safe, Happy Holiday! Please use your common sense to driving during this enjoyable time of the year so you and your loved ones can be here for another season. Questions about an accident, free consultation, or 731-479-1067 or 877-859-3943