Toyota Motor Corp. announced a suspension in sales of eight of its top selling models linked to Unintended Acceleration. The company first recalled more than 4 million vehicles, blaming the problem on defective floor mats. More vehicle crashes resulted in a recall of nearly 3 million additional vehicles, with Toyota saying there was evidence of problems with the accelerator pedal. In Southlake, … [Read more...]
Driving on snow and ice can be extremely dangerous. Decrease your speed and leave yourself plenty of room to stop. You should allow at least three to four times more space than usual between you and the car in front of you. Brake gently to avoid skidding. Keep your lights on to increase your visibility to other motorists. If your rear wheels slide, take your foot off the accelerator. If your rear … [Read more...]
Seat Belts/Miley Cyrus
Every hour, at least one person in this country dies because he or she did not buckle up. Failure to use seat belts contributes to more fatalities than any other single traffic safety-related behavior. • Seat belts save lives everyday: Seat belts are the most effective safety devices in vehicles today, estimated to save 13,000 lives each year, while 7,000 people die because they did not use … [Read more...]
Deployment of 1171st Transportation Co. to Iraq – Dresden, Tennessee
As a Vietnam Veteran I can understand how these young men and women must feel. They are leaving behind their families and for some of them it won’t be the first time and for others it won’t be the last time. I salute each of you and thank you for the sacrifice that you are making to defend this great country from tyranny and terrorism. See the Messenger I also congratulate Air Force Airman … [Read more...]
Shelby County Car Accident With Horse Results In Death
A 48-year Dorsey Bailey died at the scene of a car accident when he was abruptly struck by a horse during his morning drive, WREG Channel 3 reports. The impact took the roof off of Bailey’s vehicle and caused the vehicle to go off of the road into a field. My heart goes out to this Dorsey Bailey and his family. He and his family will certainly be in my prayers. Shelby County Animal Crash … [Read more...]
Death and Injury Resulting from Cell Phone Use
Death and Injury Resulting from Cell Phone Use Cell phones and texting are now the primary means of communication for many people, especially young adults. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s, (NHTSA) research shows that the worst offenders are the younger drivers under 20 years of age. To watch Secretary of Transportation LaHood’s video blog on distracted driving or … [Read more...]
Whiplash A Potentially Debilitating Injury
You're stopped at a light or stop sign. Out of nowhere you are struck in the rear by another car. It happens everyday. Whiplash refers to the sudden transfer of energy that causes the structures of your neck to abruptly straighten and bend beyond their normal range of motion, potentially resulting in an injury. This type of injury can result in chronic, even debilitating, pain. Yet whiplash is a … [Read more...]